This work is a parody of the famous etching piece by Cook 'Madam Tiquet about to be beheaded for murder, 1699.'. This piece comments on how South Africa's dark history of Apartheid had ideals and stereotypes can persist today. A discussion is brought to the table: Is it okay that farm attacks are not taken seriously, because the farmer is associated with the oppressors'?

Amy Roos. Guilty by association. 2021. Oil based ink lino print on paper. 297 x 420 mm.
The portraits below are inspired by people and their words recorded in a VPRO documentary- White farmers killings in Africa. The portraits where don by layering ink, mixed with water onto watercolour paper. Follow this link to view the full documentary:

Amy Roos. Perspectives I. Acrylic ink and sand on watercolour paper. 297 x 420 mm.

Amy Roos. Perspectives II. Acrylic ink and sand on watercolour paper. 297 x 420 mm.

Amy Roos. Perspectives III. Acrylic ink and sand on watercolour paper. 297 x 420 mm.

Amy Roos. Perspectives I. Acrylic ink and sand on watercolour paper. 297 x 420 mm.